
Stop forced evictions and further death in South Korea

Stop forced evictions and further death in South Korea In South Korea, 5 people died while protesting against an imminent forced eviction 1. Summary of the Incidence At 6 a.m. on 20th January, people who were asking for solutions to avoid …

韓国より緊急アピール 「排除をやめろ、これ以上死者をだすな!」

韓国:立ち退きビル占拠中に炎上、5人死亡−−ソウル(毎日.jp) 韓国:立ち退きビル占拠中に炎上、5人死亡−−ソウル 【ソウル西脇真一】ソウル市竜山区で20日朝、再開発地域にある雑居ビル(4階建て)に立てこもっていた入居者を警察が強制排除中、屋上の…