
Please give us solidarity messages*


I Support the statement of Show your face,Aso!! 'reality tour' Solidarity Group*

Individual Name () title (if you have one and don't mind letting us know. It can be work industry,organization name, or anything you do.) Place you are living(county,city or other)Organization Name of organization() Where it is based()

Custody Visiting blocked and unlawful 10 days detention

Later on same day, we went to Shibuya Police station to denounce te unlawful arrest and demand custody visiting and take necessities (food,cloth,toothbrush etc) to the 3 .But police did not let us the 3. Also even when the soliciter/lawyer…

How the unlawful arrest happened

3pm,Chief of security department of Shibuya police said to us "If you wt want to go the Prime minister's house by walk,that7s fine" and"you can go and see the house in group of 5to6 people each in turn" when we were gatheing in front of Sh…

Why a 'reality tour'

We did aa reality tour to the'rip off mansion' of a temping angency president and this was another version of it where we decided to go and see the Aso Taro's mansion which is said to costs 6200,000,000 just for the land.There has been som…


Statement denouncing unlawful arrest Show your face,Aso!! 'reality tour' Solidarity GroupOctober 26th,"'reality tour2' what is 6200,000,000 Yen like? Let's go and see the Prime minister Aso's House" was held as a pre-event to Anti-war and …


Prime Minister Taro Aso is rich - should anyone care?http://www.japanprobe.com/?p=6873Fifty people gathered at Hachiko yesterday to hold a protest march directed at Prime Minister Taro Aso’s very expensive home in Shibuya-ku. The protester…






この後の移動および麻生邸宅前での注意事項について穏便に話し合い。この約束は警視庁 公安部によって突如反故にされることとなる



この間、その莫大な資産や射撃、飲食などを例に、麻生首相の「金銭感覚」をめぐる報道が連日なされています。 「幸いにして自分でお金がありますから」という首相の口ぶりは、それとはむしろ逆の暮らしをしている私たちにとって、大変印象深いものでした。 …


もう4ヶ月前のことですが、、中国貴州省で数千人規模の暴動、少女の検視をめぐり住民の怒りが爆発 【6月29日 AFP】(写真追加、一部更新)中国南西部の貴州(Guizhou)省甕安(Wengan)県で28日、1人の少女の死について現地警察が発表した検視結果に住民の…


10月ともなると気分はすでに年忘れ。忘れていくのはちょっとこわい、でも忘れるってことは記憶の深いところに眠らせるっていうことらしいのでいいことなんだって。ちょっとずつ思い出したら忘れていこう。Dear Friends ディア フレンズ [DVD]出版社/メーカー…